Ningaloo Reef Tour Gallery

Our October 11th getaway was an unforgettable encounter with the wonders of Ningaloo Reef. Diving into the crystal-clear waters our guests & crew encountered a diverse array of marine life, including reef sharks, tawny nurse sharks, octopus, stingrays, sailfin catfish, turtles and more.

Although many highlights to this tour the main highlight was witnessing a mesmerizing manta ray mating chain. Five graceful giants dancing in spins & circles, their movements synchronized with perfect precision. The spectacle was breathtaking and was voted as "the best manta moment of the season" by the crew. This unforgettable moment will forever be etched in the memories of those fortunate enough to witness it.
#NingalooReef #CoralBayWA #NingalooMagic #ShoreThing #NingalooWonder #WAtheDreamState
Exciting News! 🤩🥳🤩

We're thrilled to announce that [Your Business Name] has been named a finalist in the 2024 Western Australia Tourism Awards! This recognition is a testament to our dedication to providing exceptional experiences for our visitors.

We're honored to be among the top tourism businesses in the state and look forward to the awards ceremony.

Thank you for your continued support!

Our October 8th getaway was a perfect blend of adventure and relaxation for the whole family. From snorkeling and diving with turtles, sharks, and rays to exploring the vibrant coral reefs, there was something for everyone. 

The highlight was witnessing the playful antics of cuttlefish and octopus, captivating both young and old. 

Even with some overcast skies, the sailing and underwater adventures continued, creating unforgettable memories for the entire group.
#NingalooReef #CoralBayWA #NingalooMagic #ShoreThing #NingalooWonder #WAtheDreamState
Our October 2nd escape was a marine life paradise! This Ningaloo adventure offered unforgettable encounters for all. 

Diving into the crystal-clear waters witnessing the vibrant coral reefs teeming with life. Stingrays, sharks, wobbegongs, turtles, whales cruising in the shallows and more...

Leisurely strolls along the beach, soaking in the beauty of Ningaloo's natural landscapes and its inhabitants followed by dive bombs off the bow showing that the kid inside never truly dies!

This 5-night escape is the perfect way to experience the magic of Ningaloo Reef.
#NingalooReef #CoralBayWA #AustraliasCoralCoast #tourismwa #NingalooMagic #ShoreThing #NingalooWonder #WAtheDreamState
From the graceful manta rays to the more diminutive stingrays, the beauty of these creatures is undeniable 🥰
Happy Friday!! Hope you weekend is as chilled as this this turtle!
Our recent 5-night Ningaloo Reef Liveaboard tour on 27th September was a marine enthusiast's dream. The crystal-clear waters were teeming with life, from vibrant schools of fish to graceful manta rays and playful dolphins. We spent our days snorkeling, diving, and sailing, exploring the diverse marine ecosystem.

One of the highlights was a night dive, which revealed a fascinating world of nocturnal creatures. We also had the opportunity to spot a guitar shark, a rare and unforgettable experience and had a hilarious encounter with an octopus and a gang of feisty damsel fish.

Beyond the underwater adventures, we explored the stunning coastline and hiked to Point Cloates lighthouse ruins to stretch our legs.

Overall it was a fantastic combination of adventure, relaxation, and marine exploration.
#NingalooReef #CoralBayWA #NingalooMagic #ShoreThing #WAtheDreamState
This cuttlefish's mesmerizing dance moves rivaled even the most flamboyant moves of John Travolta in Saturday Night Fever 🤪
Our 24th September tour was an unforgettable 3-night getaway on Ningaloo Reef! It was a marine lover's paradise, filled with breathtaking encounters and unforgettable moments.

We had the privilege of swimming alongside majestic manta rays, graceful stingrays, and playful white-tip reef sharks. There were thrilling close encounters with tawny sharks, as well as mesmerizing octopus and gentle turtles.

We were also treated to more epic whale encounters, witnessing their immense power and grace in the open ocean. And to top it off, we discovered a magnificent goliath grouper, a truly awe-inspiring sight.

From the exhilarating thrill of diving Ningaloo Reef to the serene beauty of sailing its crystal-clear waters, this tour had it all.
#NingalooReef #NingalooMagic #ShoreThing #NingalooWonder #WAtheDreamState

Banded Snake Eel: A slender, eel-like fish with dark bands. Often found in sandy areas of coral reefs. Mimics venomous sea snakes to deter predators

#NingalooReef #CoralBayWA #Wildlife #underwaterworld #ningaloo  #underwaterphotography #reef #underwater #nature #NingalooMagic #ShoreThing
This is Wally, a Marble Ray you're likely to encounter on your Sail Ningaloo tour. He's a guaranteed crowd-pleaser 🥰
Ningaloo's September Serenade:

Our September 16th Ningaloo Reef tour getaway was a snorkeler's paradise! Cruising Ningaloo our guests marveled at schools of chromis, convict surgeonfish, trevally, buffalo bream, and sweetlips. Turtles enjoyed a relaxing clean-up by tiny cleaner wrasse, while stingrays blended seamlessly with the sandy bottom.

The highlight was witnessing a manta mating chain, a mesmerizing spectacle of nature. The graceful giants twisted and turned, creating a breathtaking underwater ballet. Whales continued their migration, breaching the surface to greet the setting sun. This Ningaloo adventure showcased the reef's vibrant life and unforgettable encounters.
#NingalooReef #CoralBayWA #NingalooMagic #ShoreThing #WAtheDreamState
Ningaloo's Girls' Getaway:

Our September 11th escape was a fun-filled adventure for a group of girlfriends! Diving, snorkeling, SUPing, and kayaking filled our days. Laughter echoed through the group with many bottles of sparkling consumed as we shared unforgettable moments and created lasting friendships.

We encountered a variety of marine life, including our usual friends, mantas, sharks, turtles, stingrays, and octopus. A highlight was witnessing a beautiful tiger shark during a shallow snorkel and a majestic eagle ray with a unique scar. 

The most unforgettable moment though was witnessing a whale heat run – 10 whales swimming together. This extraordinary sight created an unforgettable memory for everyone on board.
#NingalooReef #CoralBayWA #AustraliasCoralCoast #tourismwa #NingalooMagic #ShoreThing #NingalooWonder #WAtheDreamState
Epic whale action occurred on our most recent 5 night tour. Wow, just wow!! 😱😱😱
Sail Ningaloo joins The Dream Collective for 2024!

Western Australia is not just another State in Australia. It is one of the greatest places on the planet.
Brimming with natural wonders and world class experiences, many that you can’t find anywhere else.

The Dream Collective is a group of WA’s leading tourism businesses, providing outstanding visitor experiences and meeting the highest standards for customer satisfaction, accessibility, and sustainability.

Sail Ningaloo is thrilled to be recognised as a member of The Dream Collective in it's inaugural year for 2024/2025.

Learn more about The Dream Collective here:

Explore Sail Ningaloo Tours:

@australiascoralcoast @visitningaloo @westernaustralia @tourismcouncilwa
Our September 6th escape was a vibrant underwater symphony! Stingrays of all sizes, ancient loggerhead turtles, cuttlefish, sharks, and octopus are just a portion of what graced our encounters. 

We sailed turquoise waters encountering playful whales and their calves. Walked the rolling dunes, sand between our toes and witnessed orange evening skies

The highlight was witnessing a rare lone minke whale is crystal clear shallow waters, a testament to Ningaloo's diverse marine life.
#NingalooReef #CoralBayWA #AustraliasCoralCoast #tourismwa #NingalooMagic #ShoreThing #NingalooWonder #WAtheDreamState